Sow Rich



Microgreens are known to be packed with nutrients, and health is the new wealth!

At Sow Rich, we carry a wide selection of microgreen seeds,
more than 50 types of microgreen seeds and still growing.

We also carry many microgreen accessories for you to choose from
to grow your very own microgreens. We believe in making microgreens
supply more accessible and affordable for everyone, at the same time not
compromising the quality. Now you can have so much fun to grow your own
healthy microgreens anywhere, anytime.

We are proud that the fact that our seeds are:
Growing microgreens can be intimidating at the beginning.
However, it can be highly addictive once you got the hang of it.
It’s just like cooking or baking, keep practicing and you will master it.

We believe that it is much more fun when we practice it together!

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