Sow Rich

Kimchi Fried Quinoa with Microgreen Borage & Microgreen Purple Cabbage Recipe

Kimchi Fried Quinoa with Microgreen Borage & Microgreen Purple Cabbage Recipe

This Kimchi Fried Quinoa recipe is a healthier version of the usual fried rice. They are incredibly flavourful, packed with protein, fermented vegetables and nutrient-rich microgreens. The lightly crunchy texture and melon/cucumber taste of Microgreen Borage is perfect to balance out the spiciness of the kimchi and it’s a great combination to the nutty flavour of Quinoa. We top it with loads of Microgreen Purple Cabbage, they taste just like a mild and tender version of Microgreen Purple Cabbage and they are said to have 40x more vitamin E and 6x more vitamin C than their mature counterpart*.

Grow your nutrient-rich microgreens for this recipe:

Kimchi Fried Quinoa with Microgreen Borage & Microgreen Purple Cabbage Recipe
Microgreen Seed
Kimchi Fried Quinoa with Microgreen Borage & Microgreen Purple Cabbage Recipe
Purple Cabbage
Microgreen Seed
Grow with love, cook with joy, eat hearty! More than just salad and garnish, we help make everyday food delicious with microgreens. Even we do make salad, we don’t make bland salad. Microgreens are so nutrient-rich, their nutrient content is concentrated that means they often contain higher nutrients than the same quantity of their matured counterparts. Each microgreen has their very own unique characteristic and taste that can turn into various dishes with different experiences. We try our best to pair them with the food combination for maximum impact, a selection of delicious recipes ideas that you can easily make at home. You will be amazed by how microgreens can elevate the presentation, flavours and sensations of your dishes. Start your exploration with our Kimchi Fried Quinoa recipe now! Moreover, it’s so fun and easy to grow your own microgreens, freshly harvest from kitchen counter top to your meals, it cannot get any fresher than that. Microgreen Borage do a lot better by growing them on soil, a little patient is needed to grow Microgreen Borage, they normally takes a little longer to germinate but we promise the wait is all worth it. It’s fairly easy to grow Purple Cabbage and they do well in both on soil and water.


3 cups cooked Quinoa (1 cup dry Quinoa)
1 egg
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 mushroom, sliced
1 cup of chopped kimchi
¼ cup kimchi juice
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon Coconut Aminos / Soya Sauce
1 handful of Microgreen Borage and Microgreen Purple Cabbage


  1. How to cook Quinoa: Rinse dry Quinoa in a fine mesh sieve until water runs clear, this will also help eliminate the bitterness from Quinoa. Cook in a rice cooker with 2 cups of water.
  2. Heat pan with oil and cook an omelette, then sliced into thin strips and set aside.
  3. Sauté garlic in a deep frying pan or wok over medium heat, add mushroom and kimchi, sauté until moisture is evaporated.
  4. Add cooked Quinoa and pour in kimchi juice. Season with sesame oil and Coconut Aminos. Stir until fully combines.
  5. Place Kimchi Fried Quinoa in a plate, arrange the omelette, Microgreen Borage and Microgreen Purple Cabbage. Serve immediately.


Use overnight Quinoa: It is recommended to use overnight Quinoa as they are not as sticky as warm Quinoa. However, you can pop your freshly cooked Quinoa in the fridge or freezer for at least 30 minutes for a similar result.
Swap Quinoa: Of course you can swap this recipe with Brown Rice, Rice or Cauliflower Rice.
Fillings: You can add other fillings into the mixture, such as shrimp, poultry, tofu or other vegetables.